Great animation
The graphics wes simple yet effective
The animation was very clean and easy to watch
The animation was long, but kept my interest
Plus, very funny
Well done
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Great animation
The graphics wes simple yet effective
The animation was very clean and easy to watch
The animation was long, but kept my interest
Plus, very funny
Well done
I dont know what to say
A simple idea, but executed in a way that really made me think
That was a strange and inspiring animation
I like it...
A lot better than V1.0
Well done
Thanks. It's nice to see the 2 week extention paid off =)
Is that it...
The graphics were very good
The animation was average
The idea was poor
No thought has gone into this game at all
The game is far too easy, and nothing happens
A good game...
At first I thought it was a bit dull
I had seen a lot of these games on Newgrounds
But then it got interesting
The other obstacles made it interesting and sometimes tricky
Good work
I'm glad you played through the levels, because they do get better as you go along
Invisible Ninja... funny
But, I couldnt let it pass
You are one cruel person. The sequel will be epic, though, I'm in the middle of it, it'll take me two more months to finish and it's on on newgrounds.
Information is knowledge, knowledge is wisdom, wisdom is truth, truth is beauty, beauty is love, love is music
Age 40, Male
Web Designer
Mike's world (UK)
Joined on 3/4/05